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Treffen 9

Sunday, May 20, 2007 in Ventura, CA. Put on by KGPR. I didn't manage to go to the accompanying cruise, but hopefully will next year.

I expected to do my usual nerdy thing and take a bunch of pictures, but right away I began meeting really nice people and talking to them instead of taking pictures. I'm afraid I was also a little overwhelmed by all the wonderful cars.

Right off I met some other locals, but wasn't bright enough to take pictures of their cars. I did get Ghia Girl's wonderful Cardinal Red '58.
I had seen pictures of the car before, but the color in person is truly amazing.

She also had a white '59 that was only slightly ratty (you can see the fender in the picture) and planned on leaving it that way. Kudos. It will be a wonderful car. I think if I actually finished my car I would have to sell it.

Lots of work to do in the meantime. I expect to show up at the Classic in Irvine on June 10 and see if I can swap the blue hawaiian shirt I bought at Treffen with the yellow one I asked for.

Check out the rims on this guy.
That's some custom tubbing to fit those in. It won the "most bizarre" award.





Of course I have to include at least one shot of my own junker (that would be the yellow one).

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